With the support of:

America for Bulgaria Foundation

Makeup Course

Nu Boyana Film Studios 84 Kumata Street, Sofia, Bulgaria

You will learn how to be a Makeup artist in the movie industry, professional hygiene, skin science (skin types and different approaches to each type) textures and makeup coatings, antiquity […]

Makeup Course

Nu Boyana Film Studios 84 Kumata Street, Sofia, Bulgaria

You will learn how to be a Makeup artist in the movie industry, professional hygiene, skin science (skin types and different approaches to each type) textures and makeup coatings, antiquity […]

Makeup Course

Nu Boyana Film Studios 84 Kumata Street, Sofia, Bulgaria

You will learn how to be a Makeup artist in the movie industry, professional hygiene, skin science (skin types and different approaches to each type) textures and makeup coatings, antiquity […]

Makeup Course

Nu Boyana Film Studios 84 Kumata Street, Sofia, Bulgaria

You will learn how to be a Makeup artist in the movie industry, professional hygiene, skin science (skin types and different approaches to each type) textures and makeup coatings, antiquity […]